
NOTICE: I have decided to put a hold on this blog page until further notice. No new comments will be allowed. The content will remain, but no new posts will be included. Please go to the alternate site to comment, discuss or debate:

This is a blog for discussions and debates regarding Faith and Reason.

Please be respectful, polite, use proper language, no profanity, stick to the topic discussion, no circular argumentation or fallacious reasoning, and avoid personal attacks/ad hominem.

All posts and original content are copyright Sacerdotus/Rationally Faithful. Whatever you post becomes property of this blog.

Please ask for permission before using any content and if permission is given, provide credit to the author, do not alter the content and backlink to the original post.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Birth of Christ

Some have questioned whether Christ is real or not; whether He is a borrowed figured from paganism or not.  What are some ideas you have on the Birth of Christ and its historicity?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Has Science destroyed God?

  • Many atheists believe that science has eliminated the possibility of God.  
  • Is this true? 
  • Have the scientific discoveries of the last 500 years been enough to completely disqualify God as the prime cause or mover of the universe? 
Post your thoughts below to get the conversation started. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

What is 'Reality?'

Atheists often claim that theists are not realistic when promoting faith.  They claim that all we need to study and know is what is in 'reality.'  To them, God is an imaginary being that is not present in 'reality.'

However, what is 'reality?'  

This universe is mostly empty space.  Solidity is an illusion created by forces generated by electrons.  We really cannot confirm what 'reality' is and studies show that this universe might be a computer program of sorts.


What is 'reality?'

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Free Will

  • What is Free Will?
  • Can Free Will Exist?
  • How can we have Free Will while God is Omniscient?

These are some of the questions Philosophers have tackled for centuries.  What are your thoughts on them?  Is there really a problem with Free Will or a problem with our understanding of it?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sacerdotus Radio

People always have told me that my big mouth would get me somewhere... well it has.  I am not only Social networks, but also on the radio.

I will be hosting a 30 min. long program where I will discuss all kinds of topics just like I do here on my blog.

There will be a number for callers to call in and join the discussion and ask questions; also a chatroom.  I will also invite guests and co-hosts to join me.

I'm hoping that this will be a great success and that listeners will enjoy it and have fun at the same time.

Please donate to my blog if you can so that in the future, I can expand the time to 2 hours or more.

The radio program can be listened to on my blog, facebook or here:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Debate Challenge To Rosa Rubicondior

Since Rosa Rubicondior lost the last debate by forfeit.  I will give him another chance at redemption.  

I challenge him to a video debate on Skype that will be broadcast on Twitter, Facebook, my blog and You Tube.  In this debate, both parties must rely solely on science in order to answer the follow:

  • God, can He be proven to exist?  
  • Can He be proven not to exist?

The rules are as follow:

  1. Both sides must provide coherent reasons supported by evidence.
  2. No ad hominem, vulgarity and the like or face forfeit.
  3. Arguments should be stable and not digress.
  4. If an argument is not clear or too complicated, questions can be posted within two asterisk (*) symbols. ie **What did you mean by....**
  5. The winner will be the one who has provided the strongest argument and maintained logical coherence.
  6. No one other than RosaRubicondior and Sacerdotus will be allowed to comment or participate.  


Opening Speech - Opponent

Opening Speech  - Sacerdotus

First Rebuttal - Opponent

First Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Second Rebuttal - Opponent

Second Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Closing Statement - Opponent

Closing Statement  - Sacerdotus

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Stevie vs Sacerdotus


  1. Both sides should provide coherent reasons supported by evidence.
  2. No ad hominem, vulgarity and the like.
  3. Arguments should be stable and not wander around.
  4. If an argument is not clear or too complicated, questions can be posted within two asterisk (*) symbols. ie **What did you mean by....**
  5. The winner will be the one who has provided the strongest argument.
  6. No one other than Stevie Bryant and Sacerdotus will be allowed to comment.  


Opening Speech - Opponent

Opening Speech  - Sacerdotus

First Rebuttal - Opponent

First Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Second Rebuttal - Opponent

Second Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Closing Statement - Opponent

Closing Statement  - Sacerdotus

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Alien Life and Religion

On the news there was a report that NASA discovered 3 "Earth like" planets. In light of this, life on other worlds is most likely a reality.
  • If intelligent life does exist and makes contact with us or we with them, will this force world religions to rethink certain ideas? 
  • Will these beings need salvation? 
  • What if they have a different view of God(s)? 
  • Will they have a soul? 
  • What if they claim to have "engineered" the human race by manipulating the genetic pool in primitive Earth?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Is "Easter" Possible?

We have just celebrated Easter which for Christians is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Did the Resurrection really happen?

  • What is the evidence for this event?

  • Is it possible for a human being to return to life after 3 days?

What do you think?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ms Grumpy vs Sacerdotus

This is the debate and its rules:

God, can He be proven to exist?
Can He be proven not to exist?

Both sides should provide coherent reasons supported by evidence.
No ad hominem, vulgarity and the like.
Arguments should be stable and not wander around.
If an argument is not clear or is too complicated, questions can be posted within two asterisk (*) symbols. ie **What did you mean by....**
The winner will be the one who has provided the strongest arguments.
If any participant fails to continue, he/she will be disqualified and deemed the loser.
No one other than Idiot Grumpy and Sacerdotus will be allowed to comment here.


Opening Speech - Opponent

Opening Speech  - Sacerdotus

First Rebuttal - Opponent

First Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Second Rebuttal - Opponent

Second Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Closing Statement - Opponent

Closing Statement  - Sacerdotus


Idiot Grumpy had till 12 midnight Eastern time to post an opening statement and failed to do so.  She has therefore forfeited the debate and is declared the loser.  Perhaps when she musters up some courage, we can truly debate.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Brian Fuller vs Sacerdotus


March 11, 2013 - Brian still did not show up, so he forfeits.  He is declared the loser of the debate for not showing up.

This is the debate and its rules: 

God, can He be proven to exist?
Can He be proven not to exist? 

  • Both sides should provide coherent reasons supported by evidence. 
  • No ad hominem, vulgarity and the like. 
  • Arguments should be stable and not wander around. 
  • If an argument is not clear or is too complicated, questions can be posted within two asterisk (*) symbols. ie **What did you mean by....** 
  • The winner will be the one who has provided the strongest arguments.
  • If any participant fails to continue, he/she will be disqualified and deemed the loser.  
  • No one other than Brian Fuller and Sacerdotus will be allowed to comment here.


Opening Speech - Opponent

Opening Speech  - Sacerdotus

First Rebuttal - Opponent

First Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Second Rebuttal - Opponent

Second Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Closing Statement - Opponent

Closing Statement  - Sacerdotus

Bible Reloaded Vs Sacerdotus


"Bible Reloaded" has not countered my response in over 2 months and has therefore forfeited.  He is declared the loser of the debate.

This is the debate and its rules: 

God, can He be proven to exist?
Can He be proven not to exist? 

  • Both sides should provide coherent reasons supported by evidence. 
  • No ad hominem, vulgarity and the like. 
  • Arguments should be stable and not wander around. 
  • If an argument is not clear or is too complicated, questions can be posted within two asterisk (*) symbols. ie **What did you mean by....** 
  • The winner will be the one who has provided the strongest arguments.
  • If any participant fails to continue, he/she will be disqualified and deemed the loser.  
  • No one other than Bible Reloaded and Sacerdotus will be allowed to comment here.


Opening Speech - Opponent

Opening Speech  - Sacerdotus

First Rebuttal - Opponent

First Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Second Rebuttal - Opponent

Second Rebuttal - Sacerdotus

Closing Statement - Opponent

Closing Statement  - Sacerdotus
Thank you for reading and for your comment. Please be patient if you posted a comment. Spammers and other people who hide under "anonymous" sometimes post vulgar or nonsensical comments that I cannot post for obvious reasons. If your comment pertains to the posting and is free of ad hominem and vulgarity, rest assured it will be posted.


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